About Me


I started my teaching career as an elementary classroom teacher in the late 1980’s, but for the last decade I was a K-6 reading interventionist, working one-on-one and with small groups of K-6 struggling readers on learning plans. I was Queen of the Mini-Lesson because my teaching time with kids was so limited (usually 15-20 minutes at a time). Currently, I develop easy-to-use literacy resources for teachers & parents full-time from my home in Southern California.

I’m also a longtime collector of children’s poetry & picture books. I do still collect new picture books, but there is just something extra special about the art in children’s vintage books! (Ebay has truly become my best friend and worst enemy!)

I’ve developed literacy based teacher resource curriculum for Scholastic Professional Books and my phonics poems have been featured in the Folens Publishing early reading program, Sounds Make Words.

Lorrie L. Birchall

Cool Teaching Stuff